The SWGDRUG core committee currently has multiple subcommittees, each with a defined mission. Subcommittees are temporary groups created during the in-person annual meetings and whose members continue to develop work products or activities throughout the year. Currently active subcommittees are: |
Education and Training Subcommittee - Melissa Hehir, Adriano Maldaner, Kerry Hogan, Ruth Smith
Sampling Subcommittee - Tiffany Ribadeneyra, Michael Bovens, Jennifer Bonetti, Sandra Rodriguez-Cruz
Method Validation Subcommittee - Sandra Sachs, Eric Person, Anne Slaymaker
Outreach Subcommittee - Angeline Yap, Yen Ling Wong, Sandra Rodriguez-Cruz, Adriano Maldaner
Structural Elucidation Subcommittee - Benjamin Painter, Adriano Maldaner, Angeline Yap, Benjamin Place
Identification and Analytical Scheme Subcommittee - Christian Matchett, David Huang, Elizabeth Griffin, Benjamin Painter, Amanda Shanbaum
Editorial Subcommittee - Jaclyn Iera, Sandra Rodriguez-Cruz, Christian Matchett, Anne Slaymaker