SWGDRUG Infrared Spectral Library:
SWGDRUG has compiled an infrared spectral library that is available for download from this website. The Drug Enforcement Administration's Special Testing and Research Laboratory generated the following library using structurally confirmed reference materials.

For updates on when the library is updated, follow us on X (formerly known as Twitter).

The SWGDRUG library is provided in the following formats. Click on the appropriate link below to download the compressed file.

SWGDRUG IR Spectral Library Version 2.1 (August 27, 2019):
Omnic Format
Opus Format
Perkin Elmer Format
Shimadzu Please note: conversion of the IR library to this format takes longer than others, be aware that the current version may not match the posted version.
Agilent Please note: conversion of the IR library to this format takes longer than others, be aware that the current version may not match the posted version.
JCAMP Format
Compound List

Frequently Asked Questions

How many spectra are in this library?

Currently, there are 624 spectra in the library (August 27, 2019).

How often will the library be updated?

This library will be updated on a regular basis. This will allow for the sharing of spectra for new and emerging drugs.

How were the spectra collected?

Each spectrum included in this library was generated using FTIR-ATR

Where did the spectra come from?

Contributors to the library are cited in the "comments" section for each entry. Current contributors are listed below:

  • DEA = Drug Enforcement Administration, SFL1 = Special Testing and Research Laboratory

How can I make sure that I have the most current version of the library?

Visit www.swgdrug.org to get latest library updates or follow us on X (Formerly known as Twitter). The current revision number and date is indicated on the website. Each revision will need to be downloaded and installed prior to use.

Last Update January 2024

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