SWGDRUG Mass Spectral Library:
SWGDRUG has compiled a mass spectral library from a variety of sources, containing drugs and drug-related compounds. All spectra were collected using electron ionization mass spectrometry systems. This library is available for download from this website. SWGDRUG recommends the use of traceable reference materials to support identifications of drugs ( Part IV A – Quality Assurance Section 6.1.6 ). In addition, all spectra have been examined by the NIST Mass Spectrometry Data Center using their quality assurance protocol.

For updates on when the library is updated, follow us on Twitter.

DISCLAIMER: SWGDRUG is absolved from any liability resulting from the use or misuse of the library.

The SWGDRUG library is supported by the NIST MSSEARCH program, which is available on-line at no charge (see below). Additionally, the library has been converted to the following various formats. Click on the appropriate link below to download the compressed file.

SWGDRUG MS Library Version 3.13 (June 30, 2023):
NIST Format
Agilent Format
JCAMP Format (.hpj)
Shimadzu Format
Thermo Format
Compound List
Formula and Exact Mass List

NIST MS Search Program:

To download and install the 2020 version of the NIST MSSEARCH program, please go to:


Frequently Asked Questions

How many spectra are in this library?

Currently, there are over 3500 spectra in the library.

How often will the library be updated?

This library will be updated on a regular basis. This will allow for the sharing of spectra for new and emerging drugs.

Where did the spectra come from?

Contributors to the library are cited in the "comments" section for each entry. Current contributors are listed below:

  • DEA = Drug Enforcement Administration, SWL = Southwest Laboratory, SCL = South Central Laboratory, WRL = Western Laboratory, SFL1 = Special Testing and Research Laboratory
  • AAFS = American Academy of Forensic Scientists (provided by Dr. Graham Jones, Graham.Jones@gov.ab.ca )
  • ENFSI/DWG = European Network of Forensic Science Institutes / Drugs Working Group
  • Jason Nawyn = US Army Forensic Chemist Jason Nawyn, jason.nawyn@us.army.mil
  • QHFSS = Queensland Health Forensic and Scientific Services
  • www.caymanchem.com = Cayman Chemical
  • ForensicDB = RTI International/ForensicDB
  • NPS Discovery = The Center for Forensic Science Research and Education (CFSRE)
  • Broward Sheriff Office = Broward County, Florida Sheriff Office

Can I submit spectra for inclusion?

Yes, SWGDRUG is open to accepting contributions from the forensic community. If you have a new drug or drug-related compound that is not in this library and would like to contribute the spectrum, please email swgdrug@dea.gov to obtain instructions for submission. Instructions for emailing the file will differ based on instrument format.

SWGDRUG takes no responsibility for the validity of the submitted library entries. The onus is on the submitter to provide some verification information prior to inclusion into the library.

Which instruments are compatible with this library?

The NIST MSSEARCH program is compatible with instruments from all major manufacturers. Many manufacturers include a version of this program with the instruments; however instructions for searching the spectra are manufacturer dependent.

How can I make sure that I have the most current version of the library?

Visit www.swgdrug.org to get latest library updates. The current revision number and date is clearly indicated on the website. Each revision will need to be downloaded and installed prior to use.

Last Update June 2024

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